Friday, 16 October 2009

Growing People has never been more fun. Dano here from the Community Garden and we are really enjoying the garden with different people popping in each day. Based on the 16 bus route off Halifax road in the Maidenhall area of Ipswich we are a year and a half old. It is a week before our 2nd open day (this year Themed TULIPMANIA).

We are hoping to get all visitors through our new gate and im really loving the path our project is going. We are going to do more educational - learning to garden with Ric and Lindseys GArden Exercise classes are start up again in Spring next year.

We need help as always and we are looking for someone to take on the blog as a way to let everyone know whats going on.

Please come and visit, call 01473 261112 for more info. or visit the website

This week we had a visit from the Permaculture Association and are hoping to become one of their LAND project members. We also had the Prince's Trust do a sterling days works and Sunday its Community PAybacks Turn. Both are working in the wildlife area preparing the ground to sow wild flower seeds and to put up a summerhouse donated by Suffolk Sheds. We hating up ve been put fliers for TULIPMANIA in Chantry and Stoke.