Wednesday, 18 November 2009

The 'Tulip Mania' open day on the 24th October had a good turn-out despite unkind weather. The event marked the launch of the garden's wind turbine, kindly donated by Mosscliff Environmental, who were represented on the day by David Wyllie. The turbine supplies power to the garden's cabin, enough to keep lights phones and laptops running. The day was also supported by several local councillors - Philip Smart, Bryony Rudkin, Alan Sparrow and Jim Powell.

People took shelter in the polytunnel to sample tasty baked treats, pick n' mix tulip bulbs and try their luck at the tombola. There was an interesting demonstration from master composter Leslie Cass and a tent providing information about the Ripple Food Cooperative. Numbers were bolstered by the arrival of the Transition Ipswich cyclists, finishing off their tour of the town to mark Climate action day in conjunction with

The Mayor Councillor David Goldsmith arrived in time to dig deep and plant the first tulip bulb on the new patchwork plots, some of which have yet to be snapped up. If you fancy having a go at growing your own veg, come on down and sign up for a bite-sized allotment at the People's Garden, where you can get help and advice on growing your own food.

Look out for a short film of the event coming soon.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Chilli Strings

The bumper crop of chillis this year has provided a good surplus. Those that won't be cooked before they spoil are being strung up for drying and decoration in the new summerhouse.

The polytunnel has now been cleared of the summer vegetables, with some tomatoes still yet to ripen. Laying them out in the sun will give them a chance to turn red and juicy before they spoil. For those that don't there is always chutney or fried green tomato recipes...

The brassicas and chard are coming along nicely. Chard is good steamed with a dab of butter and some salt and pepper. If you have been growing beetroot this year, don't throw the leaves away. They are similar to chard and spinach, and the whole stem and leaf can be steamed or used in soup. Delicious.