Friday, 15 April 2011

Recent News at the garden.... and a date for your diary

The Easter plant fair was today - more of that to come, but first, some of the preparations, and other news...

As well as plant preparations for the fair,

The Halifax school have been planting potatoes,

SNAP have been renovating the herb spiral,

There were mothers day pansies to collect

and as it was Linda's Birthday, time for a well deserved cup of tea!

Finally, Maidenhall plot holder and herbalist Alix Rodwell talks to members of the Time for You Gardening for Health club at the Community Garden.

 Her next talk is on Tuesday 3 May at 1.30pm, all welcome.

Useful tips

You can find out all sorts of useful information at the People's Garden. Just take Pat's humane anti pigeon devices... there's no half eaten cabbages here:

And then there's potatoes - Susannah writes 

"Trevor shows new volunteers the easy way to plant potatoes. Instead of digging a trench, he recommends using a bulb planter. Joanne Brannan at the Community Supported Agriculture project at Oak Tree Low Carbon Farm agrees with him. She plants up whole fields this way and says it is much less labour intensive."

 When it comes to spuds, you can't do much better than that!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

African garden in the making

Having been quiet for a while on this blog, there is now an abundance of things to tell you - a bit like all those seeds germinating this time of year.

The African garden being constructed by the People's Garden and pupils from Chantry High School is well under way - its all best said with the photos...

Treading the paths

Building grey crowned crane shaped seat (Uganda's national emblem)

Sowing seeds


seed sowing - sunflowers, chillies and peppers

Alison Findlay of RHS lends her expertise

Keen planters

marking boundary with rubble donated by local building suppliers Collier and Catchpole

Planting feather grass round the turn seat

Shovelling manure to keyhole gardens

Staking out central compost well with hazel poles from Allotment Forestry Project, Sidegate Lane

Top off the plots